"Greetings, from Queer Mountain" is the queen mother of queer storytelling series. Every episode features a diverse collection of work from LGBTQ+ performers across the country. Running for over 6 years in Austin, New Orleans, New York, and now Oakland, we've produced over 100 unique and original live shows featuring performers such as Daniel Rugg Webb, Bowen Yang, Gabby Rivera, Nico Tortorella, and Janine Brito. It’s like hanging out with all the queer friends you wish you had! ($18, All Ages)
Featuring: Ky Krebs, Alexandria Love, Caitlin Reese, Chey Bell, Mary Jane French, Sureni Weerasekera
Hosted by Micheal Foulk
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Earlier Event: December 9
Queer Film Theory 101: The Long Kiss Goodnight
Later Event: January 27
Queer Film Theory 101: Under The Skin