Sex work is work -- and more than that, it's work happening all around us just about all the time. From escorts to masseurs to sex surrogates to performers (raise your hand for porn!), most of us are one or two degrees removed from this economy and community.
But money's a part of sex life -- and queer life -- a lot of people still get fidgety around. So this month we're talking about it! October's "Greetings, from Queer Mountain" is about the scenes we press play on, the people some of us have encountered, and the things we all could be doing to better advocate for sex workers.
Hosted by Lorena Russi
with this month's performers:
Toni Carlson
Kyle Dacuyan
Tim Dunn
Emily Oliveira
This show is 100% free with all proceeds from the bar and book sales going to support the Housing Works mission of ending HIV/AIDS and homelessness.
GFQM Safety Policy:
Greetings, from Queer Mountain, is a multidisciplinary LGBTQ storytelling and performance event that welcomes everyone. We ask that our performers and audience abstain from body shaming, hate speech, racism, sexism, transphobia, ableism, heterosexism, and other forms of violence. Our show is for everyone and we want everyone to feel safe and able to enjoy the show together. If you're unsure about something listed above, please reach out to us and we will discuss further.
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: August 30
GFQM - NYC - Ep8 Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now
Later Event: November 7
GFQM - OAK - Debut "Give Me One Good Reason To Stay Here"